Get Involved

Do you enjoy making a difference in the Rutherford County community? Giving back to outdoor activities is an excellent way to do so. Whether you’re a company, an organization, family group or an individual who desires to help, there are many things you can do to join our cause in improving outdoor recreational activities for Rutherford County residents. Membership dues are used for a number of projects such as trail maintenance, trail signage, and local outdoor activity awareness.  A number of  membership options are shown below.


An awesome opportunity to get involved with us is by becoming a member! Your membership with ROC gets you a discount to ride the Tour de Pumpkin, access to private recreation areas and discounts to sponsoring businesses. There are three levels of membership are available, each tailored to specific needs.

Annual Membership

  • If you love participating in outdoor fun and enjoy supporting a good cause, our annual membership is the perfect way to go! A membership that lasts all year and includes all of the family in your household. Membership is renewable each year.

Lifetime Membership

  • This option includes all the benefits of membership with significant savings, and you won’t have to annually renew.

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Becoming a sponsor of the Rutherford County Outdoor Coalition is a wonderful way for your company to support the community and show them by example that it matters to you. For more information about sponsorship, contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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If you prefer a simple donation, you can donate as much as you like at our location or donate in specific amounts through our convenient Donate page on our website. Thank you for your generosity!

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Looking for other ways to help us in our mission? Pitch in as a volunteer! We can always use another hand to help us with setting up and managing activities and events. To find out what you can do and stay informed on upcoming events, give us a call. You can also ‘like’ our Facebook page and see what we’re up to.

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Stay on Trail

It protects the environment and prevents you from getting lost.